K u l  W e r k s  C a n d l e  A r t
A b o u t   K u l  W e r k s   &   T e s t i m o n i a l s
H o m e

A b o u t  U s
& Testimonials

D e s i g n s

S h o w s

C o n t a c t
Kul Werks began as an idea for partners Mindi and Mark Ferkul soon
after they met in art school in the early 1980's.  It was in the early
1990's that their design-driven concept came to be fully realized.
They had, by then, two decade's of commercial art, corporate and
retail business experience between them.  Mindi and Mark took their
vision and experience and pioneered an approach to candle design,
production and marketing that remains as unconventional as it does

They continue incorporating current and classic elements from interior
and industrial design, art & architecture and aspects of fashion and
nature into their designs. The result is an exquisite, award-winning
and stylish collection of functional home décor, with every sublime
piece rich with meaning.

They have been featured in numerous press such as City TV's
CityLine, CH Morning Live, Style at Home Magazine, several industry
gift magazines, and other television and print media, both nationally
and internationally.

Quite sought after, they have designed a custom line which was
accepted and sold during the Yoko Ono exhibit exclusively to the
Art Gallery of Ontario's gift boutique, and have also sold internationally
in Paris and select boutiques in Europe and upscale Japan.

Kul Werks is inimitable and truly unique to their industry.  Their pieces
are instantly recognizable as distinctly their signature work, while they
continue to garner accolades from customers and colleagues alike.

Some Press / Print Media features
© 2005 - 2022 Kul Werks Candle Art
All Rights Reserved.
Reproductions of content, including downloading is
prohibited by the copyright laws and international
conventions without the express written permission of the
copyright owner.
Testimonials/Customer comments:

“You crossed off the most difficult person on my list!”

“She loved it!  A 12 out of 10!”

“Quite an art!  You can’t get anything more unique than this!”

“Every year I give something to my in-law who never likes anything,
this is prominently displayed at her house!”

“They look like they belong in an art gallery.”

“I’ve never given a gift that has gotten such a great response!”

“These are ‘
oh-my-gosh’ gifts!”

“I buy every year because they’re great gifts
every single time!”

“Haven’t seen anything like this anywhere, and I travel the world!”

“I bought it years ago… they
still talk about it!”

“We came just for you!  Our favourite booth!”

"This brings me happiness."

"They're timeless gifts!"